Leo Duque

Writing is hella hard! But you should still try.

So it turns out writing is super hard.

A few months ago I decided this would be the year I started blogging about development, both to improve as a developer and to remain in touch with a side of WordPress I don’t actually come in contact with a lot. I expected it would be tricky, having never really been much of a writer (and a bit of a reluctant reader).

I still haven’t written a follow up post since I decided to “be” a blogger. Here is the thing though, the mere decision to try has already moved me towards the goals I set out for myself. Most applicable at the time is the fact that wanting to write has changed how I learn about WordPress. As I write code, or solve a problem I now find myself constantly thinking about how to best explain to others what I have just done, I am a little more self conscious of what my code looks like and am taking notes and keeping a record of the things that I learn. (with the idea that I will turn them into a post).

I guess what I am trying to say is, even failing at writing is pretty good for you. And if you are on the fence about it you should definitely give it a go.

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